About Us.

We’ve 35+ Years Of Experience In Social Development Activities
Operating in Nairobi and other counties in kenya

Business start-up kits(mitumba bales) issued to caregivers to support self reliance

Redeemed Integrated Development Agency (RIDA), in partnership with World Vision Kenya & USAID, implements the OVC/DREAMS program in Nairobi County; Kenya.
RIDA is a Social Development Arm of the Redeemed Gospel Church and started implementing social development programs in 1978. Redeemed Integrated Development Agency has many years of experience in the social development activities.
Implementation of program activities started in the slums of Mathare followed by Korogocho and have since expanded to other areas within the informal settlements of Nairobi in seven sub-counties which are characterized by extreme poverty, poor sewerage system, crime, poor housing, poor access roads, insufficient water, rampant drug abuse, and inadequate schooling and health facilities.
The development program started with a feeding project and education support for the vulnerable school age children. These projects expanded over the years to six main projects which are implemented with the objective of addressing the needs of the vulnerable communities within the areas of operation. RIDA have been networking with like-minded partners for referrals, linkages and learning the best practices.

Over 1 Million Lives Transformed

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